Digital Garden Update History Code Block

Example table:

Note Name Last Updated Links
📕 How to Take Smart Notes 3:31 PM - October 11, 2024 0
📕 Both And Thinking 3:27 PM - October 11, 2024 1
📘 Finding Flow 3:26 PM - October 11, 2024 0
Sources - Books & Articles 3:22 PM - October 11, 2024 8
Book Search Plugin 3:17 PM - October 11, 2024 1
Test Molecule 2:21 PM - October 11, 2024 1
🏡 Digital Garden Home ✅ 🌀🌐 1:26 PM - October 11, 2024 22
Smart Note Taking 11:15 AM - October 11, 2024 4
Niklas Luhmann 11:15 AM - October 11, 2024 6
Zettelkasten 11:15 AM - October 11, 2024 21

Code so you can use this yourself (need to add the three ticks for Dataview Plugin syntax):

TABLE WITHOUT ID AS "Note Name", file.mtime AS "Last Updated", length(file.inlinks) AS "Links"
WHERE dg-publish = true
SORT file.mtime DESC

Screenshots of Digital Garden Updates